Useful Git Commands
I love using git command to do everything, so I added some commands/alias to speed up some general git operations.
Git alias
You can add your alias by opening gitconfig with command git config --global -e
, then you can add a [alias]
section into it.
Here is my [alias]
st = status
llg = log --oneline -n
p = pull --rebase
ci = commit -m
cia = commit -am
co = checkout
amend = commit --amend -a --no-edit
Powershell commands
There are still other operations that need a combination of several git commands, I added them as powershell function into my powershell profile(As I’m using windows to do the development at the moment).
Use notepad $profile
or any other editor you have to open the powershell profile. If it’s not existed, create one.
Then I have the following functions in it:
function ws(){
cd c:\workspace
#rebase latest master to current branch
function gr(){
$currentBranch = git symbolic-ref --short HEAD
write-host "Current branch: <$currentBranch>" -f green
git co master
write-host "Pull master latest code..." -f green
git p
write-host "Go back to <$currentBranch>." -f green
git co $currentBranch
write-host "Rebasing master into <$currentBranch>..." -f green
git rebase master
#short cmd to get current branch
function gg(){
$currentBranch = git symbolic-ref --short HEAD
write-host "Current branch: <$currentBranch>" -f green
#go to branch with a substring match
function gb($pattern){
while($pattern -eq $null -or $pattern -eq ""){
write-host "please give a sub string in the branch name, here are the branches:" -f red
git branch
$pattern = Read-Host "Switch to:"
$branch = git branch | ?{$_ -like "*$pattern*"} | Select-Object -first 1
git co $branch.trim("*").trim()
# set upstream for new created local branch
function gitup(){
# git push --set-upstream origin feature/abc
$currentBranch = git symbolic-ref --short HEAD
$currentBranch = $currentBranch.trim()
write-host "Current branch: <$currentBranch>" -f green
git push --set-upstream origin $currentBranch
# merge latest $branch into current branch.
function gitm($branch="develop"){
$currentBranch = git symbolic-ref --short HEAD
write-host "Current branch: <$currentBranch>" -f green
git co $branch
write-host "Pull branch $branch latest code..." -f green
git p
write-host "Go back to <$currentBranch>." -f green
git co $currentBranch
write-host "Merging $branch into <$currentBranch>..." -f green
git merge $branch
#go to branch
function gb($pattern){
while($pattern -eq $null -or $pattern -eq ""){
write-host "please give a sub string in the branch name, here are the branches:" -f red
git branch
$pattern = Read-Host "Switch to: "
$branches = git branch | ?{$_ -like "*$pattern*"}
if($branches.count -gt 1){
write-host "matches $($branches.count) :" -f green
write-host "==================================="
0..($branches.count-1) | %{write-host "$_ : $($branches[$_])"}
write-host "==================================="
$index = Read-Host "Please select the index: "
$branch = $branches[$index]
git co $branch.trim("*").trim()
elseif ($branches.count -eq 1){
$branch = $branches | Select-Object -first 1
git co $branch.trim("*").trim()
# clean local branch that deleted remotely
function git-clean{
$currentBranch = git symbolic-ref --short HEAD
$currentBranch = $currentBranch.Trim()
git remote prune origin
$branches = git branch --merged | ?{!($_ -like "*master*" -or $_ -like "*develop*" -or $_ -like "*$currentBranch*")}
if($branches.count -gt 0){
write-host "Clean branches: "
$branches | %{ write-host $_ -f yellow}
$branches.trim() | %{ git branch -d $_ }
# create pr from current branch, will open github page.
function pr($aimTo="master"){
if(-not (test-path .git)){
write-host "This is not a git repo" -f red
$remoteUrl = (git config --get remote.origin.url).TrimEnd('.git')
write-host "Remote: $remoteUrl" -f green
$currentBranch = git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
$currentBranch = $currentBranch.trim()
write-host "Current branch: $currentBranch" -f green
$remoteUrl = $remoteUrl.Replace("", "")
if($aimTo -eq $currentBranch){
write-host "You are trying to create pull request against the same branch" -f red
start "$remoteUrl/compare/$aimTo...$($currentBranch)?expand=1"
Merge commits
If you have several local commits, and you want to merge them into one when committing, you can use this command:
git rebase -i
git rebase -i head~3
if you only want to handle the first 3 commits.
it will open a window like this:
# Rebase 598cf24..598cf24 onto 598cf24 (1 command(s))
# Commands:
# p, pick = use commit
# r, reword = use commit, but edit the commit message
# e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending
# s, squash = use commit, but meld into previous commit
# f, fixup = like "squash", but discard this commit's log message
# x, exec = run command (the rest of the line) using shell
# d, drop = remove commit
# These lines can be re-ordered; they are executed from top to bottom.
# If you remove a line here THAT COMMIT WILL BE LOST.
# However, if you remove everything, the rebase will be aborted.
# Note that empty commits are commented out
then you can change the commands to squash
(if you want to keep the commit message) or fixup
(discard the commit message)
Git Flow commands
# shortcuts to create bugfix branch
function bug($name){
if($name -eq "finish"){
git flow bugfix finish
elseif($name -eq "publish"){
git flow bugfix publish
git flow bugfix start $name
# shortcuts to create feature branch
function feature($name){
if($name -eq "finish"){
git flow feature finish
elseif($name -eq "publish"){
git flow feature publish
git flow feature start $name
# shortcuts to create release branch
function release($name, $base="develop"){
if($name -eq "finish"){
git flow release finish
elseif($name -eq "publish"){
git flow release publish
git flow release start $name $branch
# shortcuts to create hotfix branch
function hotfix($name, $base="master"){
if($name -eq "finish"){
git flow hotfix finish
elseif($name -eq "publish"){
git flow hotfix publish
git flow hotfix start $name $branch
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