23 July 2019

This is the last topic in the regression test 101 series. In this series, I will cover the following topics:

During implementing the regression tests, I encountered some challenges, some of them already covered in the previous articles, but I still summarized them here for a reference.

1. File Upload dialog

When running test parallely on windows, the file upload dialog will break the tests, as selenium itself has no control on the system upload file dialog. There are some libraries/tools which can manipulate the dialog, but they are probably not designed for multi-threads. The solution is covered in Parrallel Execution

2. Capture screenshot in EventFiringWebDriver’s ExceptionThrown delegate

If you have some code to wait for some element to show or clickable, you may need the WebDriverWait class. The code may look like:

var webDriverWait = new WebDriverWait(Driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60))
webDriverWait.Until(d => d.FindElement(locator));

In the C# implementation, The FindElement method will throw exception if the element can’t be located, which will trigger the EventFiringWebDriver’s ExceptionThrown delegate. If you don’t distinguish the excetion types, you may got a huge mount of screenshots.

The other issue is that WebDriverWait will throw exception after the timeout duration, but the exception here is not able to be captured by WebDriver’s ExceptionThrown handler. If you want to capture the screenshot for this exception,you need also add the ScreenshotRecorder’s TakeScreenshot call here.

Some people may just capture screenshot for all exceptions by put the test code into a try catch block, but in this case, you need to check if the driver is available.

3. Remove data dependencies between tests.

One easy way to make sure the test always running on new data is to use unique identifier(for example Guid) for the data. For example the test creates user during test, you may assign User-{Guid.NewGuid()} as the user name. Beware of the length limitation on the user name columns, if Guid value is too long, datetime string(yyyyMMddTHHmmss) would be a nice candidate.

4. Alert in Browser

Sometimes there will be alert popup, which will fail the following test if you don’t deal with it. A typical way is to handle it before test run:

catch (Exception)
    // No alert displayed

Please remember the Alert() and Accept() methods may also throw exceptions, which trigger the ExceptionThrown handler if you are using EventFiringWebDriver.

5. Cavas in HTML

Selenium can’t handle the Cavas content in html easily. You may be able to use Actions provided by Selenium to control mouse movement to finish some simple operations, but it’s still not easy to write. As in my project we only use cavas in one place, I just ignored the test for canvas content.

6. Single page application.

If your application makes an ajax call and then re-render a table on the page, it will confuse Selenium, as it does’t know the time the page is renderred completely. In my projects, I have to write a wrapper function to keep checking if the expected value appeared.

public bool RetryUntil(Func<bool> func, int timeoutInSeconds=10)
    var elapsed = 0;
    var interval = 500;

    while (elapsed < timeoutInSeconds * 1000)
        elapsed += interval;

            if (func())
                return true;
        catch (Exception e)
    return false;

7. Headless

Maybe you want to go headless, so that you will not be interrupted by popped up windows when runing in your local. There are some headless webdrivers. As we are using Chrome WebDriver, we can simply pass in the options to the WebDriver.

var options = new ChromeOptions();
var driver = new ChromeDriver(ChromeDriverService.CreateDefaultService(), options);

If you test download functionality, you might need to add extra config to your healess WebDriver.

var downloadPath = @"C:\temp\"
var enableDownloadCommandParameters = new Dictionary<string, object>
    {"behavior", "allow"},
    {"downloadPath", downloadPath}
((ChromeDriver) driver).ExecuteChromeCommandWithResult("Page.setDownloadBehavior", enableDownloadCommandParameters);

8. Chromium vs Chrome.

If you are using Chrome to do the regression test, you may face with the version issue, as the chrome is configured to update automatically. You may disable this on the agent, but it will failed on develper’s machine. An alternative is to use Chromium. In windows, you can use chocolatey to install it, and specify the version you want.

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